Alexandra Schmeling
Arlington, VA
“This work was created in 2020 after adopting Ripley from a humane society in Pennsylvania during COVID. In a time when we are beset by loneliness and isolation, Ripley has provided a much-needed lifeline by providing love, comfort, and a reason to go outside and get some fresh air. This pet portrait was born out of a series of hundreds of pet portraits I created for local animal shelters and rescues to raise money. I helped these charities raise over $10,000 from May to September of 2020 through custom pet portraits. I, of course, had to create one of Ripley once the orders had subsided.”

“Elsa through the force of her love, personality and presence grounds me in the present. Always a pleasure to see. Her comic antics keep me laughing. She's just a great friend!”

Julia Orlofski
“Misty healed my heart after my sweet late cat of 14 years, Whiskers, passed away over the summer. She keeps me company in my dorm, especially since I can't see anyone because to COVID. She is a fierce purr-er and a professional biscuit maker!”

Theresa DeSalvio
Chicken Love
Oil paint on Rives BFK
Cornwall, NY
“Each morning I enter my chicken coop excited to see what gifts the chickens have left, usually finding 8 to 12 eggs. We share these eggs amongst our family and friends. The eggs taste better than any eggs we have ever tasted. I think of them as a gift of nourishment and health and thank our flock each morning as I gather, leaving in return a fresh supply of food and water.”

Barbara Boeck
“Lucy is a baby snapping turtle who likes to keep me company while I work on my fiber art. Being a baby, she naps on the art, then wakes, then walks around, then naps, etc. etc. She makes me smile!”

Christopher Kaczmarek
“Piero Di Cosimo is a small guy who was a feral rescue from the streets of New York City that slowly became the most loving being alive. He has been a great guide and a tremendous comfort throughout the COVID era. Among the many lessons he has to offer, he teaches us to practice good hygiene, to take time to ourselves, to be generous with our affection, and take as many naps as are needed, all the while being the most handsome boy that he is!”

Ira Upin
Oil on panel
“This is a painting using my daughter Helen’s dog Goose as a subject in one of a new series of paintings. Goose is as rescue dog and one of the best pets you could ask for. Everyone in our neighborhood knows him. On walks he is offered enough treats to feed an army and always receives compliments about how handsome he is. Sort of a Cary Grant of dogs.”

Ira Upin
Big Dog
Oil, tar, enamel, laser copies on canvas
“This work was just a fantasy image of a magical dog.”

Michael Bryce
Oil paint on canvas
“She’s a bit loud, but she’s young, playful, and full of excitement, which is nice to see these days.”

Lorraine Tady
Francis looking out the window
Blue and Red Lyra on paper
Dallas, TX
“Francis was a terrified 1.5 year old Jack Russell Chihuahua mix I found in a large park with coyotes. His sibling or mother was dead nearby. Both had thin nylon cords around their neck. For 3 weeks he would not groom himself or let me pet him without biting me. Now at 6 years old he is the most calm and friendly entity. He has been a little man of stability for me in some rocky times. Drawing and painting from observation is a calming, meditative and centering activity. He often is my muse when he is at rest or sleeping.”

Lisa Lackey
Dog Walk 5
Paper and fabric collage
“Getting out of the house during Covid quarantine has been so limited. Walking my dog numerous times a day has given me so much joy, watching his happiness, as we both breathe in the fresh air! I couldn't have lightened my mood without him.”

Alan Richards
Sally, A DNA Tossed Salad
Digital media
Port Washington, NY
“Sally, she's a rescue. Just a delight to have. Checkered background.”

Denise Minnerly
“I rescued this little guy when he was two months old. He is the most intuitive, understanding and obedient dog I have ever had. His mission is to please and cuddle. A most reassuring presence in the climate we are all experiencing.”

Allie Hale
Lazy Sundays
Oil on canvas
“Max is an essential part of our family. He and I grew up together, and he's been an huge source of emotional support for me since I was a kid. He may be loud and excitable at times, but at his core he's a giant sweetheart who will never pass up an opportunity to show affection to anyone nearby. This painting was a study of color for a university class I'm taking, but it was also an opportunity to pay homage to my cuddly little buddy.”

Stephanie Batch
Oil on canvas
Plano, TX
"As the self-proclaimed "diva of the household", Lizzie's favorite pastime is relaxing outside and enjoying the sun's warmth. I only hope to achieve the same level of tranquility as her during this tumultuous time."

Pamela Stein
Digital media
“This is an Illustration about the death of a 17 year old pet occurring during the time of the pandemic. Emptiness, loss and letting go of loving attachments are some of the emotions expressed.”

Carole Scillia
Grandson & Belle
New Haven, CT
“Creating this painting of my grandson and his beloved best friend Belle brought me such joy!”

Eunkyung Lee
“Minami and I stay home together taking care of each other. I can’t imagine how I could go through days and days without him.”

Diana Kurz
Soho, NY
“Spaghetti was rescued after being thrown out of his first home, a grocery store. He has lived with me for the past ten years and now has a very comfortable life.”

Diana Kurz
Oil on Linen
Soho, NY
“Dix/Dixie, my long-haired Chihuahua, was rescued from a shelter in Tennessee, and has lived with me and my cat in my Soho loft since 2011. She is a very sweet gentle dog, and her quiet and loving presence has been especially soothing during these strange and stressful last few months. Since just about the only time I leave my loft is to walk her twice a day, she has become my link to the outside world during the pandemic.”

Kelly Lyles
Acrylic on Canvas (with a 3D green bead sewn on) 2016
Seattle, WA

Susan McHale
Manet the Cat
“Sweet ideas about the joys of foreshortened cats. Did this with a MET Museum online class today. So cozy. The sketch encourages fur and whimsy.”

Ciara Heatherman
Shiva's Portrait
Oil on wood panel
“My dog Shiva can be so uplifting in these challenging times, she says ‘Hello’ to everyone she meets, and brightens everyone’s day with her good looks and exciting energy!”

Kayleigh Mihalko
Dog Portrait of AJ
Wool on felt
Ansonia, CT
“This dog's name is AJ. His owner is Cindy. They live in Illinois, and I know Cindy through a mutual friend who runs a Facebook group we are all a part of. When she learned that I was able to needle felt dogs, she asked if I could make one of her dog, AJ. Cindy is an empty nester, so her dog keeps her company and means a great deal to her, especially this year while she was not able to see her sons or family. I am so happy I am able to use my artistic abilities to make people smile.”

Holly D. Gray
Archival Pigment Print
“The series Caregiver in a Dark Garden was born out of the year 2020. Focusing on the intense caregiving needed to maintain the home and the mental health of my family, I turned to our closed environment and what could be controlled. Doing so has created on ongoing series that is ever-evolving with the situation.”

Janet Giesen
Houston, TX
“Her eyes say it all. They reflect my COVID emotions perfectly. She is a good companion and a welcome distraction during isolation and uncertainty.”

Martha Savage
Acrylic on cotton
New Haven, CT
“Iggy was a rescue cat that was returned and all but given up on, said to be mean and unfriendly. But Adam immediately took a liking to him and with love and attention, Iggy has become a great comfort. He is brilliant, affectionate and sweet. In this painting, Iggy is blowing a kiss.”

Patricia Corbett
Stay Home, Stay Safe
“My art student, Mary, has been feeling very down lately because she is a grammar school teacher and misses being with her students. Also, she recently sold her condo and has not found another place to live yet, so she is in “limbo” while stuck at home. Her greatest comfort is her two pets, Indy, the German shepherd and Pita. While she is involved in her latest “read” they faithfully keep her company during the pandemic. Her pets have been a continuous symbol of hope.”

Allie Hesse
“My kitten lily provides laughs and constant entertainment during these uncertain times. Her purring and cuddly nature keeps me feeling loved and needed during this sheltering in place period.”

Patricia Corbett
“My lifelong high school friend, Sharon, asked me to paint her daughter’s dog, Kona. Everytime I looked into the eyes of this pet I saw a cantankerous old man ready to get into mischief, but he will stand by his owner no matter what. In sickness or in health. And that’s exactly what he does!”

Sara Smith
Pencil drawing
“I am a wildlife and animal artist, with a specialism in pet portraits. I have recently completed a series of three pet portraits for key workers here in the UK, which I have given them at no charge, as a way of saying thank you to them for all their work during the pandemic.”

Patricia Marie
Soft body acrylic on wood
Gilroy, CA
“I was diagnosed earlier in the year with Lyme Disease and was forced to quit my job and stay home. My job in the medical field had taken so much out of me I had neglected painting for a long time. My cats have been my constant companions in healing so I decided to pick up my paint brushes and start painting pets! I started an instagram @artofpatriciamarie and painting pet portraits for friends. I hope to have a website built soon and make my love of animals and painting my career through my journey through healing. It brings me a lot of joy in a rough time to bring these sweet little beings to life on wood.”

Catalina A.
Jersey City, NJ
“Titus is a beacon for calm and life for the whole family.”

Alison Stafford
Cheshire, UK
“Minxy lives next door and, as with most cats, enjoys the comforts and spoils of a friendly neighbour! My friend is that neighbour, and Minxy makes herself at home in her lounge and garden whilst her owner is out at work! A cat of duplicity indeed!”

Susan Knight
Oil on Linen
“At fifteen pounds, she thought she was a big dog and loved everyone she met.”

Marja de Bruijn
Digital media
“his flight was strong and elegant
he was the master of the air
sadly he got caught in a storm
there were feathers everywhere”

“This cat was lost and decided to come home with me. He was pretty desperate. Turned out he was also pretty vicious. But patience a lot of backing away, saying, ‘It's all right,’ again and again and again, giving him space and time, watching him learning his ways, no harsh words or actions let him find his gentleness. He's huge, a great buddy, and nosy. He's named Crow because he's smart and clever and chatty just like that bird and happens to be black.”

Sally Southgate (Sally Southgate Arts)
“I formed a petsitting business in 2015 when I moved to Fort Lauderdale Florida. I had lived in the Cayman Islands for the previous 11 years and worked in finance so finding myself in a position to spend all day, every day in the company of pets was an absolute pleasure. I soon found a love for watercolor and began painting portraits of some of my wonderful clients. Lucy was one of my first clients and the first of my more serious pet portraits. She is a such a character and a true beauty making it easy to spend many hours studying her to ensure that my portrait allowed her personality to shine through. I have since formed Sally Southgate Arts and painting pet portraits has become my passion. What is not to love about seeing all those cute faces?!”

Rich and Gigi
“Figgy is an adorable very active dog. The best thing about her is that her favorite thing is to cuddle which involves her napping too. When she cuddles she generates so much heat that I nicknamed her milestone, short for the milestone power plant. She loves people and is very friendly. A very active dog that has a personality that I have never seen on a dog before. She is a treasure. I work basically so she can have a better life. She gives me a reason the get up every day. Besides she loves to sit in this armchair and sleep as I paint. She is an artist dog for sure. Woof!”

My Cat Is In Heat
Jason Balducci
“The artwork represents my cat that is in heat and without the possibility of going out because of the COVID, she goes crazy dreaming about running on a field.”

Joyce Ellen Weinstein
Oil on canvas
New York City, NY
“This gentleman frequents Central Park, NYC almost daily with his beloved yet very aged dog. I was struck by the obvious love between the two and how much they looked alike.”

It's a Cat's Life
Cathy DeMeo
“Our cat, Chellie, has been a wonderful companion while sheltering in place. She is a connoisseur of comfort, and exudes relaxing vibes needed during this time.”

Burnt Umber (Burial Jar for Random Thoughts 1)
Reniel Del Rosario
“Starbucks is a mixed-breed dog (Of what? We're unsure). His rapid burst of energy followed by long periods of laying on his back asking for scratches or food make him a favorite occupant of the household. He always has the will to follow anyone around—grandma to the garden and sniff around the plants, me to my room and looks at me edit photos, my dad to his grill and awaits for food, my cousins to the couch to lazily join them watching things, my mom to her television seat as he gets ready to sleep. He doesn't know many tricks, but he does know how to make us laugh and content by just doing the casual things he does. Because of his constant presence, he's depicted on this ceramic vessel I created based on random thoughts going on through my head.”

Kassandra Leiva
Digital Illustration
“Daphne is an adorable bichpoo who weighs about 6 lbs. She may be small, but she is mighty! This girl has hiked 11 miles with her mom and dad without breaking a sweat. She travels everywhere with us. And now that we don't travel anywhere anymore, she runs around the house playing soccer with her tiny half-sized tennis ball, forcing us to take breaks from work. She is the silliest, feistiest floofball... couldn't ask for a better, spunkier companion. These illustrations describe Daphne's exciting life.
She has her own instagram: @alittleclouddog”

Kassandra Leiva
Digital Illustration
“Daphne is an adorable bichpoo who weighs about 6 lbs. She may be small, but she is mighty! This girl has hiked 11 miles with her mom and dad without breaking a sweat. She travels everywhere with us. And now that we don't travel anywhere anymore, she runs around the house playing soccer with her tiny half-sized tennis ball, forcing us to take breaks from work. She is the silliest, feistiest floofball... couldn't ask for a better, spunkier companion. These illustrations describe Daphne's exciting life.
She has her own instagram: @alittleclouddog”

Kassandra Leiva
Digital Illustration
“Daphne is an adorable bichpoo who weighs about 6 lbs. She may be small, but she is mighty! This girl has hiked 11 miles with her mom and dad without breaking a sweat. She travels everywhere with us. And now that we don't travel anywhere anymore, she runs around the house playing soccer with her tiny half-sized tennis ball, forcing us to take breaks from work. She is the silliest, feistiest floofball... couldn't ask for a better, spunkier companion. These illustrations describe Daphne's exciting life.
She has her own instagram: @alittleclouddog”

Mahwah, New Jersey
“This is Matthew (known as Mattie or Matt the Cat) I adopted him a month ago. He has made me smile during the Quarantine due to his sweet nature, strong-will, and antics. Mattie acts like a "typical little brother" to my other cats. We all love him very much.”

Radiant Chihuahua, 2018
Nina Jordan
Brooklyn, NY
“My chihuahua, Precious Nellie, fills my days with light.”

Rita Valley & Bob Keating
Southbury, CT
“Robin is sensitive and funny and so smart. She's my muse in the studio and assists in the garden. I never have a dull or boring day with her around. She is such a great friend.”

Martha Willette Lewis
ca. 1990,
Oil on canvas
“My mother had two sister cats Delilah and Annapurna. Delilah was part burmese, black and very overweight. She was very affectionate and not very bright but a fantastic hunter. She would sit still and swat, catching things with amazing speed. She got into a fight out in the street with something ( dog? Opossum? Raccoon?) And her foot injury stayed with her forever. She was cheerful and would happily squeeze her ample self into a small box and purr away, drooling a bit as you'd caress her. She was mighty, goofy and very lovable. I painted this picture of her, squeezed into a favorite box, bad leg poised upward, as a gift for my mom. The emerald green box top offsetting her luxuriant glossy dark fur. She was very beautiful in a kind of Liz Taylor /odalisque way. It hung above the box for many years, and later served as a reminder of our Lila after she left us at a ripe old age. As I took a picture of it for the show and dusted it off I noticed stray bits of fur adhered to the paint surface. Her DNA is now fully integrated into the likeness, which would have no doubt pleased her very much....
She is gone but never forgotten.”

California, USA
“Our little boy Kai is the burst of energy, and sloppy kiss you need while your stuck at home all day!”

East Haven, CT
“With all of this anxiety going on in the world, coming home to this sweet pup and going for walks helps me forget all of the negativity from this current pandemic. She couldn’t have come into my life at a better time.”

Helen Cantrell
2015, Drypoint
“These are all portraits of my 2 cats, Orion and The Princess Fang, both adopted from shelters.”

Helen Cantrell
2017, Woodcut
“These are all portraits of my 2 cats, Orion and The Princess Fang, both adopted from shelters.”

Helen Cantrell
2016, Woodcut
“These are all portraits of my 2 cats, Orion and The Princess Fang, both adopted from shelters.”

California, USA
“Lola brings so much happiness into all of our lives and she is the most gentle and sweet doggie in the world!“

Suzanne, Adam, Alina Bird & Copper
Hamden, CT USA
“Copper is such a big part of our lives and we love getting to witness Alina’s excitement whenever he’s around. He is patient, loving and kind as well as the fierce protector of our home with all his beagle barks. His presence makes our house a home and we couldn’t imagine life without his snuggles.“

Jana Corral
California, USA
“Hi, I’m Bear 🐻the Black Masked Frenchie. I like to chase my brothers Mac 🐈 and Chili 🐈 around the house and eat EVERYTHING. I snore 🐽🐷 like a piggy and fart all day💨💩😷
Love and sloppy kisses, Bear 🐻🐰”

Hesse family
Branford, CT
“Hey, I’m Charlie! I am a toddler and could lay on my back and get tummy rubs all day...”

Joey & Anna
“Eli is a rescue from Philadelphia who now brings much joy to his family! He enjoys going on walks with his owners, swimming and taking naps.”

Tallulah Contemplating Banjo
Floyd Caplan
Whitney Center, Hamden, CT
“This is an oil painting I did of my Great-granddaughter Talullah and Banjo, the Australian Shepard Poodle. They live outside of Harrisburg. PA. The painting was made when she was about nine months old; she’ll be three in May.”

Chendols Morning Pose # 4, 2020
Janette Maxey
Gouache and White Pencil on paper
Tokyo, Japan
“Every morning Chendol lies on the floor, preferably in the sun, for a few minutes until it's time for me to work in the studio and for her a mid morning nap. Since the beginning of March in an attempt to keep focused during this crazy time I start my day a gesture drawing of her in her cat pose for as long as she cares to hold it, so I must work quickly. I'm grateful to my cat Chendol, she holds her pose, I draw and connect with her, my work, and the world.”

Portrait of Cheddar and me, 2020
Andres Madariaga
Pencil on paper
New Haven, CT
“He gives me strength when I have none.
Today I am scare. Scare about the future, finances, about not able to find another job, about having the virus. I have always try to be independent so this is hard.
When I look at his eyes I find love.
His love makes me believe in people again even though now it is hard to do so... even though some have hurt me and people I though were friends turn their backs, his eyes show me the compassion To move forward.
When the world is unkind and judged you you have been treated unfairly that’s when you most be stronger. These are hard times for all us. Cheddar has been there for me when I am sad and alone and shows me the biggest lesson of all:
Unconditional love. And this is the key for all us to get better to show this kind of love to our community to each and every person who is feeling alone…”

The Force Is Strong With This One
Andres Madariaga
Pen on paper
New Haven, CT
“He gives me strength when I have none.
Today I am scare. Scare about the future , finances , about not able to find another job , about having the virus. I have always try to be independent so this is hard.
When I look at his eyes I find love.
His love makes me believe in people again even though now it is hard to do so... even though some have hurt me and people I though were friends turn their backs, his eyes show me the compassion To move forward.
When the world is unkind and judged you you have been treated unfairly that’s when you most be stronger. these are hard times for all us. Cheddar has been there for me when I am sad and alone and shows me the biggest lesson of all
Unconditional love. And this is the key for all us to get better to show this kind of love to our community to each and every person who is feeling alone…”

Kirsch-Posner Family
Oakland CA
photo by Gudrun Gotschke
“Gina is a golden lab who was trained by Canine Companions for Independence and returned to us (puppy raisers) due to mild hip dysplasia. Lucky us! Little did we know how much each of us needed a support dog. She lights up our lives and is a role model for compassion and love.”

Peggy Bloomer
Clinton, CT
“My best and constant companions. They are helping me get through staying at home.”

Peggy Bloomer
Clinton, CT
“My best and constant companions. They are helping me get through staying at home.”

Portrait of a Sunflower, 2020
Sam Mann
Digital Art (ClipStudio Paint)
“Millicent the Magnificent Mann is a 10-year-old Chihuahua and Rat Terrier hybrid. She has an incredibly calm disposition, with her favorite activity being sunbathing. Despite this, her expression is usually quite sour. Millie brightens the day of her family, often resting peacefully on the couch next to anyone working there. This tribute to Millie is meant to encapsulate her fierce expression as well as her serene nature.”

Allan and Patrice DeFilippo
Branford, CT
“We love to walk and she is our buddy! But she also loves to cuddle! Our beauty. ❤️”

The Elk Hunter (Rhubarb)
Mark Cicero
2018, Graphite on paper
”As a 'miniature' Australian Shepherd, Rhubarb is maximally active and hyperkinetic. The shaggy rumpus, slashing pencil strokes and frenzied eyes convey her complete dedication to eating a piece of Montana elk antler, sharpening her teeth, and defending the family from enemy Labradoodles.”

Valerie Garlick
2019, Acrylic on canvas
“Kewy, our top mouse hunter, might actually be a black squirrel.”

Michael Quirk
“Rosie makes me smile, takes me for daily walks and is willing to eat most of the leftovers. She was a rescue from a local pound and appreciates the gesture.”

Valerie Garlick
2019, Acrylic on canvas
“Salmon, our smartest cat, is a svelte 10-year old rescue from the Upper East Side, she likes to swat at or "high-five" passers by.”

Valerie Garlick
2019, Acrylic on canvas
“Lady, our manx, has the loudest singing voice, a very strange looking bottom half, and often snores while awake.”

All You Need Is Love, 2020
Barbara Vento-Furtak
Colored pencil
Niantic, CT
“This is my son Roger’s p.t.s.d. Dog that he was given after serving in the Army in Iraq. She is a constant source of love & inspiration for me after watching how she has helped Roger thru dark times into the light that burns brightly in his life now. She continues to give Roger comfort & has thru her tremendous love that bonds them together. Sophie’s calming effect allows Roger to get out everyday & enjoy & participate in his life going forward. Sophie is a shining example of the power of love & dogs.”

Night Studio
Emily Herberich
2019, Oil on canvas
New Haven, CT

Joy M Pepe
Milford, CT
“Bessie thinks she is hiding from the virus. She is confused that I’m home so much. But she stays by my side all day, even when I’m teaching online. Bessie is 9 1/2 years old.”

Jennifer Duchesne
South Windham, CT
“There's no way to fully explain how they help me every day, let alone during this unprecedented time. They keep me company, help me relax, keep me on a normal routine, make me go outside and take a walk every day. And that's not even mentioning the warm feeling that Tyler's purrs elicit; the love and affection; the laughs...”