Sponsorships are a terrific way to support arts and culture in the New Haven Arts District. The range of benefits corporations and individuals receive are wide and varied. Sponsorships benefits are developed based on the needs of the organization or individual. Sponsorship opportunities can be general or specific.
Contact us today to discuss our programming and events. With your help and our ideas, we can create great community engagement in this beautiful New Haven landmark. Come to an event to see for yourself this Elizabethan gem.
Your sponsorship will be acknowledge on all our exhibition promotions
Film Festival with seven roundtable talks on-line and on-site.
A turbulent and uncertain year. Upside down. Isolation. Illness. NOW artists react.
Curated by Margaret Roleke
The Daily is curated by Sharon Butler
Hong Kong in Poor Images is curated by ZENG Hong
A night of performances on the Winter Solstice. Curated by Briana Williams
Fall medley of exhibitions by collective Art Shape Mammoth, juried Connecticut Watercolor Society exhibition, and solo by Maxim Schmidt
Sea & Soil curated by Debbie Hesse
Water Access curated by Fritz Horstman
A collaboration with Ely Center of Contemporary Art, Artspace, aqnd Unload Foundation
Download our Sponsorship Levels and the benefits of being an ECOCA Steward.

The John Slade Ely House at 51 Trumbull Street, New Haven

After being known as the John Slade Ely House of Contemporary Art for nearly 55 years, this landmark location has been revisioned as the Ely Center of Contemporary Art to continue Grace T. Ely’s wishes to provide New Haven with an extraordinary house for the public to gather in and experience art. Read about these recent significant changes on our Press page. Click to review our 16–17 Annual Visual Record and our 17-18 Report.
Ely Center of Contemporary Art @ John Slade Ely House Galleries
51 Trumbull Street
New Haven CT 06510
United States
Juried Selected Members Show by NHPCC, Jeanne Ciravolo solo, and Postcard 5 x 7 collaborative show & fundraiser with NHPCC