Opening Reception: Sunday, January 13, 1 – 3 pm
Winter Hours: Sun 1–4 pm, Mon 10 am-1 pm, and Wed & Thurs 2:30–5:30 pm
ECoCA is excited to announce Ear to the ground! Artists of all backgrounds and working across disciplines submitted their work for consideration in our 2018 – 2019 programming. Special guest curator Julie Torres selected 73 works from these submissions, which will be exhibited in Ear to the ground.
Image: Kathy Cantwell, Walking Line 53, 2018, encaustic on panel, 11 x 14 inches

Exhibiting Artists
Elizabeth Spangler
Fern Apfel
Tyler Carrillo-Waggoner
Tali Margolin
Blake Shirley
Grace Hager
Robert Dancik
Sabrina Marques
Brantner DeAtley
Sascha Mallon
Beth Caspar
Marieken Cochius
Kathy Cantwell
Barbara Marks
Sara Willadsen
Susan Meyer
Annie Sailer
Robert Zurer
Susan Carr
Niki Kriese
Beth Humphrey
Geoffrey Detrani
Julia Coash
JoAnne Lobotsky
Lisa Taliano
Yoon Cho
Jamie Romanet
Andrew Cunningham
Marcy Sperry
Sue Post
Peggy Klineman
Lillian P.H. Kology
McKenzie Chapman
Edith Lopez
Erin Smith
Edie Côté
Sam Kirby
Shauna Merriman
Denise Sfraga
Paul Behnke
Marsha Borden
Denise M. Oehl
Gwenn Mayers
Elisa Soliven
Sarah Schneiderman
Osvaldo Mesa
Scrap Wrenn
Anne Russinof
Pamela Fuller
Annamari Mikkola
Tracey Brockett
Kathy Osborn
Karl Goulet
Donnabelle Casis
Samantha Robinson
Joan Wheeler
Jane Ehrlich
Lawre Stone
Eileen Tavolacci
Lauren G. Levine
Tony Saunders
Sara Osebold
Ginna Triplett
Katherine Carey
Merilee Pritchard
Diane Dwyer
Doug Holst
Julie Shapiro
Linda Lindroth
Berly Brown
Marcy Rosewater
Gordon Fearey
Katie Jurkiewicz
- Posted in exhibition