Please arrive well fed and well hydrated. I do not want anyone to faint from hunger and fall over.
Explore the tools in my workshop that can help you breathe deeper, walker farther, listen more patiently, speak more boldly, and imagine more complexly. Together we’ll work on body conditioning, body organization, breathing, speech, listening, playfulness, and stretch our creative muscles and minds.
Maximum spots available is 20 people.
Students must be 18+
Class duration: 2.5 hours.
Tuition: $30 +2.64 booking fee
Must reserve by ticket purchase. Link to Eventbrite
Emmett McMullan is a multidiscipline artist based in New Haven, with a movement background in LeCoq, Labann, and Bartenieff. He’s just recently settled in the village of Westville. He’s worked on the stage at Connecticut Repertory Theatre, Judson Church, and the Glasslands Gallery in Williamsburg. Besides his acting and dance work, Emmett is a writer and a visual artist. He’s giving a talk at Pecha Kucha New Haven on Game design and Free Will this summer, and he’s developing a blog called Beyond Spoilers.
Class Description
In this class you will be introduced to a variety of techniques, tactics, and games that I’ve adopted in my movement career. When I first started formal training in acting, my reaction to the work was to firmly resolve that these skills that we develop to be good actors are merely the skills that are germane to being human: Walking, Speaking, Breathing, Listening, Imagining, Remembering, Playing, Falling, Critiquing and Being Critiqued with Grace.
We’ll spend two and a half hours together, with regular opportunities to sip water or make marks in our journals, dipping our toes into as many of the pools in this garden we call Acting as we can. You’ll be asked to engage your imagination in ways you may not have done since you were very short. You’ll be asked to exert yourself athletically, and spend time in positions on the ground exercising muscles that you maybe don’t always exercise. You’ll be asked to be respectful and be trustworthy, so that you can know that you can trust the people you are working with, and go off balance, lean into discomfort and spend time in your stretch zone, so we can all grow.
Dress Code
No woven slacks. Please wear clothes to move in: judo shorts, dance tights, leggings, bike shorts, t-shirts, tanktops, long-sleeved tees. No primary colors and no visible brand labels. Prioritize neutral colors (Black, white, gray, offwhites, drab olive, brown). Garments that are too dynamic become the most specific thing about our appearance; when doing this work we want the specificity to come from you and the shape you have taken. We want to see the person, not their outfit. Neutral colors without branding will vanish and you will be all we can see.